Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Update a image 3 Option

I like to explain how to Update a image in the flash.

Option 1:
In this option you need to know from where you placed the image initially. You need to update that image with New one.
Open the Library (ctrl + l), Right click the image and give update it will update the image so that it will affect the image int the work area.

Option 2:
In this option you no need to know wher was the old images was.
You can open the library and selsct the image and right click and give properties.
a dialog box will get open in that give the click import and select the image you want to update.
it will get updated...

Option 3:
In this option if you thought of updating only one image(in the work area) and the rest must be same you can go for this option.
import the images into the library by file->import-> import to library...
and click the image in the work area open properties (ctrl +F3) and give swap.
The dialog box will open in that select the New images.

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