Friday, May 30, 2008

_global variable

This is most known function to any one use flash action script.
If you want to store a value for the entire website then we can use the _global variable where it can holed any type of data.

we can assign a value with the prefix _global.
where this will create a variable for the whole flash so that you can use this value where ever you want after declare or assign a value.

syntax :
_global.variablename ="";

variablename ="This is a global variable.";

Thank you,
catch you soon...

Emberd font in flash 8

In this I like to say the steps how to embed a font in flash.

I flash putting a font for a static text is more simple... Just specify the particular font it will work fine but in this i like to say how we can specify for a dynamic text.

For dynamic text...
  • Create the text field and set the property of the text to dynamic.
  • In the font field specify the font you want to embed and in then you can find a embed button just click that and specify All
  • In case of you want only specific character you can avoid All and select the corresponding selection like uppercase or/and lowercase or/and Number or/and punctuation etc...
Note 1 : If you specify All the file size use to get bigger since it embed all the character so if you thing it is going to have only upper or lower or Number just apply only that so that flash will not embed all the character set.
Note 2 : The same thing is also applicable for the text with input property...

Get back to you soon with more hints and tips....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

set scrrollbar in flash

I like to tell how to set a scroll bar for a text box more common way of doing...

  • Create a text box by clicking in the tool bar and place it in the working area.
  • Type as much as words as your wish or need.
  • In the property window set the text type as Dynamic and also specify the name for it.
  • Now right click the text box and give the option scrollable now you can notice a black square in the corner of the text box which represent that it is capable of scrolling .
  • Now open the component window by window->components or just press ctr+f7
  • Inside user interface you can find UIScrollBar drag that into the working area.
  • In the parameter of the UIScrollBar set the _targetInstanceName as the text box name.
  • Now run the file by ctr+enter you can scroll the text in the text box using the scroll bar
let me catch you with some more functions...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Funney Images

The images i liked and enjoyed

Load web Page using flash

In this tutorial I will tell you how to load a page in the flash.

You can load a page by setting to a specific text or button let me tell both option

1) option 1 (using text)
  • create a text from tool box.
  • open the property window.(you can do this by window->properties -> properties.
  • select the text box set as static text.
  • you can see the link icon in the property window now give your page load there and set the target.
  • you can see dotted line under the text which represent it is linked
2)option2 (using button)
  • create a button.
    draw some box or circle like your wish and select that and press f8 a window will pop up and there will be 3 option where you need to select button to creat a button.
  • right click the button goto action or just press F9 to open action window or goto windows->Actions
  • use getURL function to link to the url
    getURL("yoururl", "_self");
  • the function getURL has 3 parameter namley
  • url is the path of the location whre it has to load
  • target is having 4 option _self,_parent,_blank,_top similar to the html...
  • variable has 3 option dont send any data, post,get is similar to the method in form tag

Let me see with you a new function soon

Difference between _root and _parent

This is my first post....
Let me start with what is the difference between _root and _parent in flash....
This will be useful for the person who likes to goto flash Action script who knows flash...

Both _root and _parent can be used for referring a object in action script.

is used for referring the top most level of object.
for example
if you creat a movie clip called mc_one and mc_two inside mc_one then the _root refer outside the mc_one. that is the first level of the object.
_root -> mc_one -> mc_two
note : if you load a movie clip inside another flash file then the loading movie clip will not be considered as the _root instead of that the main movie clip will be considered as the _root
for example
take the previous example (_root ->mc_one -> mc_two) is loaded in another file then the loaded file will not have _root only the main file witch loading will have _root

This is used to go to one step backwards.
for example
consider the same example _root -> mc_one -> mc_two
and wright the script in mc_two it will refer to mc_one
and if we want to refer to more upper level we can use _parent._parent

so it will be better to use _parent since even if you make multiple level of file and made it to link from another file it will not affect the separate file...

Hope it will be helpfull for action script beginners


Hi Guys,
I like to put some tutorial in my blog....
Mostly what i feel how i got a logic and other things...
some thing might be not much useful but some thing might satisfy yourself....

Mostly it will be Flash.....

I also like to share some joke what i heard or read so hope you will get both entertainment as well as knowledge hear...
Keep commenting enjoy.....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hi guys

Hi guys this is balamurugan.....
hope will start blogging now