Friday, May 30, 2008

Emberd font in flash 8

In this I like to say the steps how to embed a font in flash.

I flash putting a font for a static text is more simple... Just specify the particular font it will work fine but in this i like to say how we can specify for a dynamic text.

For dynamic text...
  • Create the text field and set the property of the text to dynamic.
  • In the font field specify the font you want to embed and in then you can find a embed button just click that and specify All
  • In case of you want only specific character you can avoid All and select the corresponding selection like uppercase or/and lowercase or/and Number or/and punctuation etc...
Note 1 : If you specify All the file size use to get bigger since it embed all the character so if you thing it is going to have only upper or lower or Number just apply only that so that flash will not embed all the character set.
Note 2 : The same thing is also applicable for the text with input property...

Get back to you soon with more hints and tips....

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